View from Mukudeshet/Feel Beit. Photograph by Elie Posner. Jerusalem Foundation Young Professionals Reception 2023

Photograph by Elie Posner.

Spotlight on Jerusalem: Rooftop Reception with Feel Beit

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 | 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Private Rooftop overlooking Central Park West*

Spotlight on Jerusalem – celebrating spring with Karen Brunwasser, Chief Strategist for Feel Beit, which showcases visual and performing art and artists from across Jerusalem in an iconic Jerusalem setting. Join us for an intimate reception to learn about the central role of arts and culture in Jerusalem today, and how the Jerusalem Foundation fits into this picture, and for an opportunity to meet fellow young professionals whose kindred spirits share a passion for the City of Gold. Hosted on a private rooftop overlooking Central Park, with wine and cocktails courtesy of the Israel Wine Producers Association.

RSVP to Joe Hill,

Space is limited. *Location shared upon confirmation.